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Poukura Marae


5 February 2024 Poukura marae is CLOSED to visitors, BOOKINGS will be considered by the Trust on a case by case basis. The Trust have made the decision that, due to ongoing Health & Safety concerns and the pending construction of the rock revetment as part of the Poukura Lakeshore Restoration project, Poukura marae remains CLOSED to visitors. The Trust will consider bookings on a base-by-case basis however there is no guarantee that a booking will be accepted. Mauri ora whānau, Ngā mihi, Poukura Pā Reservation Trustees 13 January 2023 We regret to inform the hapū that the erosion at Poukura has now reached the road between the marae and the lake. With the safety of our hapū at the forefront of our minds, the Trust have made the following decisions: Poukura marae is CLOSED (except for tangihanga) for safety reasons until our hui-a-hapū over Waitangi weekend. A further decision regarding the marae closure will be made following consultation with the hapū.    2. The road between the marae fence and the lake is CLOSED for safety reasons until further notice. The Trust are monitoring the situation on a daily basis and we are now equipped to maintain/respond to any minor issues regarding further land loss. Following recent advice from iwi/TDC, the Trust will continue to assess the long-term solutions presented to us, as well as seek advice from the Trust Board and the Contractors addressing the current erosion issues facing Kuratau, Omori and Whareroa. Mauri ora whānau. Ngā mihi, Poukura Pa Reservation Trustees


The Poukura Pā Reservation Trust meet the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm via Zoom and kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (either at Poukura marae or a Trustee's whare.) As a member of the hapū you are welcome to join and participate in the hui, however you will not have the ability to vote. If you would like to be part of the hui please email & the Secretary will email you the Zoom link or provide details about the kanohi-ki-te-kanohi hui. Ngā mihi, Poukura Pā Reservation Trustees


If you would like to play an active role in the maintenance & development as a kaitiaki of Poukura marae, join the Poukura marae committee! You will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the marae and hui, tangi and other events as needed. Email if you are interested. We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces back at home one day soon! Mauri ora whānau! Poukura Pā Reservation Trustees

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