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Manaaki Ki Poukura

Manaaki Ki Poukura is a way for our whaanau to continue to support the marae kaupapa through koha!

Some of our whaanau can't make it back to our paa as ringa wera or kaimahi to tautoko the ongoing maintenance and support at our marae.  We all have busy lives and some of us live abroad, and we rely heavily on the work of others to maintain Poukura.  Our Ahi Kaa are there mowing the lawns and trimming the bushes, cutting the firewood, tidying up, conducting regular working bee's, hosting several waewae tapu, supporting tangihanga, maintaining the Uru Pa, and much more!


To tautoko them and enable their mahi, and to show our manaaki, the Trust has set up a koha account, for our absent whaanau to help make a small contribution.

The putea raised from this initiative will go towards supporting our ringa wera and our kaimahi.

There are three ways that you can choose to make your koha to Manaaki Ki Poukura: annual, monthly, or on-occurence:

Annual Amount $104.00

Monthly Amount $4.00

On-occurrence $5.00 per hui/working bee

If you want to contribute to Manaaki Ki Poukura, simply set up your automatic payment:

Poukura Pa Reservation


Please put your whanau name and initials as the Reference.

Or, if you have a PayPal account, use the "Donate" button below. Please note that there is a .45c transaction fee on each PayPal transaction.

Annual Amount $104.45

Monthly Amount $4.45

On-occurrence $5.45 per hui/working bee


Every little bit helps.  Mauri Ora!

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