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Lakeshore Restoration Project

Poukura Marae

Updates and information on the Poukura marae Lakeshore restoration project being led by the Poukura Pā Reservation Trust and Ngāti Parekaawa representatives

High res Poukura erosion.jpg

Project timeline

3rd February 2022

A concerned hapū member noticed the speed of the erosion behind the timber retaining wall and decided to reach out to a geotechnical expert. Civil engineer firm Blueline Consulting was recommended. 

Blueline Consulting agreed to assist Poukura with erosion management. 

9th February 2022

Blueline Consulting provided a fee & scoping assessment estimate to assist with the funding application.

A project funding application was completed and sent to the Poukura Pā Reservation Trust for their approval and support.  

23rd February 2022

The Poukura Lakeshore Restoration Project was endorsed by the Poukura Pā Reservation Trust. 

The project funding application was submitted to the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board mitigation groups - the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group and the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Genesis Energy Committee. 

March & April 2022

The Poukura Lakeshore Restoration project c/- Blueline consulting funding application was approved by the mitigation groups, with each group agreeing to split the cost down the middle ($8,450.00 was paid by each mitigation group).


Click here to read the report:

Poukura Lakeshore Restoration project c/- Blueline consulting: Assessment and Options report

Late April 2022

Blueline consultants arrived at Poukura for a site visit, korero and kai. 

May 2022

The Poukura Lakesore Restoration project c/- Blueline consulting report was presented to the hapū at the 2022 AGM. The report was received and accepted. 

January 2023

Significant erosion at Poukura marae resulted emergency remediation works at the marae. Big thank-you to the Davison whānau who were able to assist with continually sandbagging the shoreline, sometimes at incredibly short notice. We appreciate your mahi, team!!

prison were able to fill and deliver 200 sandbags.  

An emergency meeting with the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and Taupō District Council was held by the Poukura Pā Trustees at Poukura. 

The TDC suggested that Poukura Trustees engage with Tonkin & Taylor for an erosion assessment as T&T are number 1 in terms of lakeshore erosion. 

Based on this recommendation, the Poukura Trust  terminated the Contract with Blueline Consultants, and engaged Tonkin & Taylor for the erosion/lakeshore restoration mahi. 

An overview & timeline of the emergency remediation can be found here: 

Poukura Pa - Emergency remediation report 


February 2023

Tonkin & Taylor agreed to engage with Poukura on their lakeshore restoration project and provided a Scope and Assessment for services, please see report below for further information. 

Poukura Pa Lakeshore Restoration - Tonkin & Taylor Assessment 

March 2023

An application for funding for the Tonkin & Taylor Assessment was submitted to the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board mitigation groups - the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group and the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Genesis Energy Committee. 

April 2023

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board - mitigation groups - approved the funding request. Formal approval letters and agreement pending. 

24 April 2023

The formal approval letters have been received from the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Genesis Energy Comittee and the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group. 

Tonkin & Taylor have been advised of the approvals. The Trust have been assured that mahi is now underway and they will be in touch with the Trust when a draft report is close to being finished.

May 2023

The Tonkin & Taylor - Erosion Management Options for Poukura marae was received and distributed to Poukura whānau on the 26th May 2023 with a 5 week timeframe to provide feedback to the Poukura Trust. Poukura whānau were also advised that the Poukura Trust had organised a hui with the Project Director Reuben Hansen, and a Teams link would be available if they wished to attend. 

(If you did not receive the report please email to request a copy.)

18th June 2023

At a Poukura Trust hui at Poukura marae on 18th June, the Poukura Lakeshore Restoration team were confirmed as Sarah-Jane Cuthers, Tania Otimi (Poukura Trust representatives) and Kia Paranihi (Ngāti Parekaawa representative). With Kia's networks, the team were able to connect into the Waikato Regional Council to begin the Resource consent process. 

30th June 2023

Reuben met with Poukura Trust representatives online to formulate a response to the questions raised from the WRC regarding the resource consents. A copy of this report was sent to Kia and the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board (who have supported this project alongside Poukura) as well as the WRC. Currently waiting for WRC to respond and organise a Pre-application meeting with the the Lakeshore Restoration team.

July - August 2023

Poukura formally engaged Camex Civil engineers to do this mahi. A comprehensive quote was provided and a further funding application was submitted to the Mitigation groups. The funding was approved by both the Ngati Tuwharetoa Genesis Energy Committee and the Ngati Tuwharetoa Mercury Development Group.

September 2023

The Camex Civil team came to Poukura for a site visit and to discuss the construction of the rockwall in detail. Poukura Trustees, hapu representatives and kaumatua were in attendance. 

October 2023

The resource consent process formally begun with a hui with the pre-application meeting with the Waikato Regional Council. 

November 2023

The resource consent for the construction of the rockwall revetment was approved - with conditions - by the Waikato Regional Council 

1st Feb 2024

The Camex Civil team, along with the WRC, Poukura Trustees, hapu reps and kaumatua met at Poukura for another site visit as part of the resource conditions. 

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